Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Noi Long VIen Xu

Introduction Poetry (The live far so pleased)
Van Trang
( The Live far so pleased) published in North San Jose Ca on 1-1 - 2000. Certificate of Registration # TXU 989427 TheLibrary of Congress /
The United States Copyright Office.
*Author Van Trang was officer south VN. Republic of Vietnam Seven years in prison, Includes 70 poems and 05 songs struggle (by popular authors), all written for the homeland. Especially with 10 poems describe the tragedy of theProvincial Road Blood (TL 7) in 1975. (... ... poettry Van Trang butgently fluttering in the conviction of the poetry is the fireflies Van Trang coals in the winter cold, just a slight breezewould flare burned violence. * The poetry Van Trang is also true the words of a witness to history, description of the evil that happenedin the homeland which he himself witnessed. * Poettry Van Trang is also the sincerity of his words who exile. * reading poetry as the main page so our hearts, Vietnamese exiles who live far away ...)"Vietnamese Tran Việt Yen said at the launch poetry, January 01-2000"
You invite contact the following address: • (408) 995-5893Cell (408) 646-9778

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